


The JECS Facebook administrator has created an ‘Event’ (i.e., the Serve‐A‐Thon) on Facebook and has invited students and others to spread the word via Facebook about the Event. The Event page will describe the Serve‐A‐Thon and link to the Serve-A‐Thon donation webpage ( For those students and/or parents and/or siblings that have a Facebook and/or Twitter account, we are asking that an ‘Event’ invitation be made to Facebook friends with a link to a Serve-A‐Thon donation page on the Jim Elliot website. If you have any children that are alumni, it would be great if they could do this as well. We would like this to go viral as much as possible.

Serve-A- Thon Day: Thursday, April 13, 2017
Time: 8am – 2pm
Service Opportunities: To be finalized
Your Individual Fundraising Goal: $500
School Goal: $20,000
Deadline to Submit Contributions: Thursday, April 13, 2017
Event Coordinator: Your student’s mentor teacher
About the Serve-A- Thon:
For over 15 years, Jim Elliot Christian School has hosted a Serve-A- Thon day to serve various organizations in our community including: Joyhouse, World Vision, Food Bank of the Rockies, Praying Hands Ranch, Save our Youth, Joshua Station and Grace Chapel. It is a great opportunity to reach out and be the servants of Christ and help those in need in our surrounding area, which is something we value here at Jim Elliot Christian School.

Leading up to our Serve-A- Thon event, we ask that every student participate in raising donations toward their service on the Serve-A- Thon day that will be a fundraiser for our school. We are asking that you raise a minimum of $500 individually as a student, and that all donations are submitted by Thursday, April 13 th . Donors can make checks payable to Jim Elliot or can donate online at All donations are tax deductible.

We encourage you to contact your friends, family, neighbors, doctors, dentists etc. We are believing God to raise over $20,000 during this event. Please take an active roll in praying for this event and contacting all of your friends and family and providing them with the Serve-A- Thon letter we have prepared for you.


Serve-A-Thon Donation Letter

Parent Letter

Student Letter