Varsity Cheerleading and Competitive Cheer
Our cheer squad is open to all high school girls, grades 9-12, who want to work hard and spur our Warriors basketball teams to victory. Our squad cheers at both boys’ and girls’ games.
Coach: Lorraine Roberts
Competition Choreographer: Gina Harris, former cheer coach at Dakota Ridge High School
Lady Warriors Excel in First Year of Competitive Cheer!
In the fall of 2013, for the first time in our school’s history, our cheerleading squad entered a season of intense training for competitive cheer. In the Flip & Shout Cheer Competition at the Denver Coliseum, they beat the reigning state champions and placed First in their division. In the State Cheer Competition at the Denver Coliseum, they placed Fifth out of 22 teams across the state in the 2A division. Not bad for a school of 1A rookies!
Our Cheer Philosophy
The JECS Cheerleading program is all about Enthusiasm, Excellence, and Example. This year our motto is, “Because HE can…We can.” Our team verse is Romans 8:37: “No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us!”
What It Means to Be A JECS Cheerleader:
- Cheerleaders will conduct themselves in a manner pleasing to the Lord. This applies to conduct at games, at school, at home, and in the community.
- Cheerleaders will submit to the authority of the Lord first, to Coach Lorraine, the squad captain, and to one another out of love.
- Cheerleaders will strive for modesty and humility, setting a different standard than what the world usually sees the typical cheerleader to be.
- The JECS Cheer Squad will display integrity and excellence during games, using every opportunity to build up and encourage fellow athletes.
- JECS Cheerleaders will spend time together praying, seeking the Lord, and encouraging one another in Him.
Our cheerleaders, grades 9-12, will:
- consist of members who conduct themselves with character, integrity, and class.
- be unified and team-oriented.
- respect others and themselves.
- be a team respected by the students, faculty, and administration.
- promote school spirit inside and outside the school.
- encourage their teammates and others.
- practice every time like they are performing for a national championship.
- be in top-notch condition.
- arrive to practices, games and other events early and prepared.
- remember that being a JECS cheerleader is a privilege, not a right!